Turn off “Scan device for security threats” (disable Play Protect)
It is mandatory to turn off “Scan device for Security threats” from Google Settings or Google Protect (Play Store). This is required on devices with Android 5 and newer. In rare cases, it is required for Android 4.
(option #1)
To disable "Scan device for security threats" from Google Settings go to :
Settings → Google → Security → and uncheck "Scan device for security threats"
If under "Security" you cannot find "Scan device for security threats", search for "Google Play Protect" (under Security) and uncheck "Scan device for security threats".
(option #2)
To disable "Scan device for security threats":
- open Google Play (Play Store)
- Tap on the menu button which is positioned left from the search bar
- Tap on Play Protect
- uncheck "Scan device for security threats"
If option #1 is not available, try option #2 or vice versa. Do as you see fit. If you need additional information or further assistance please let us know. We will be happy to help you.